Aeration & Seeding
Core Aeration
Aeration is the removal of small cores of soil to allow air, moisture and fertilizer down to the root zone. Warm season aeration is a simple process which is very beneficial for your lawn. This is recommended every single year.
Benefits from Core Aerating:
FESCUE Aeration & Seeding
It’s a safe bet that most beautiful fescue lawns you see in the metro Atlanta area are aerated and seeded on a regular basis. Fall is the ideal time to aerate and overseed your lawn. We recommend Late August through early November for optimal results.
After Georgia’s summer months, you've probably lost some turf due to the following factors:
Benefits from Aerating & Seeding
Fire Ant Control
Discovering a colony of Fire Ants is a serious situation that requires immediate expert attention. Fire Ants are extremely territorial and will bite anything or anyone that wanders too close to their nest. Our 12 month fire ant control treatment is applied to the entire property. This application will control all fire ant activity on your property for up to one year. We guarantee our service, so if you see active fire ants within that 12 month time span, simply give us a call, and we will return to treat the active mounds at no additional cost.
Kudzu Control
Kudzu is native to Japan and China; however, it grows better in the southern United States than it does in its native land. Today, it covers over seven million acres of the deep South but Kudzu is not without disadvantages. Kudzu is used in ways which might surprise you. During the 1920’s it was discovered that animals would eat the plant. During the 1930’s Kudzu was used for erosion control. The USDA declared Kudzu as a weed in 1972. While it does have valuable uses, the vines can also be very destructive due to its rapid growth. Kudzu, with a deep and extensive root system, is difficult to control once it has been established in an area. Several products are effective for foliar treatment of Kudzu. If your lawn or landscape is being invaded by Kudzu, give Executive Turf Care a call to schedule an appointment.
Poison Ivy Control
Poison Ivy is a poisonous North American plant that is well known for its production of urushiol, a clear liquid compound found within the sap of the plant that causes an uncomfortable reaction in most people that come in contact with the plant. The highly allergenic plant will can cause itchy rashes, painful blisters and uncomfortable burning of the skin. All parts of poison ivy including the roots are poisonous at all times of the year.
If your lawn or landscape is being invaded by poison Ivy, give Executive Turf Care a call to schedule an appointment.
Turf Fungicide Treatments
During metro Atlanta’s warm, wet or humid weather, we will be on alert for signs of fungus. Grass usually turns light brown to straw-colored in circular areas and can spread to irregular patches sometimes up to several feet across. Executive Turf Care offers lawn fungicide applications for many different diseases that occur in Bermuda, Zoysia, and Fescue.
Dollar Spot
Bermuda and Zoysia lawns are susceptible to Dollar Spot early to late summer. Dollar Spot appears as white or tan spots of dead turf about the size of a silver dollar. Hence the name Dollar Spot. If it is left untreated the spots may run together, producing large areas of dead turf. Affected leaves initially show yellow-green blotches, which progress to a light straw color with reddish-brown margins. Occasionally during the morning, you may notice cobweb-like mycelium covering affected leaves on dew-covered grass. If you notice this disease in your turf, please call our office so we can schedule a fungicide treatment.
Zoysia Patch & Spring Dead Spot
Zoysia Patch is recognized by the large circular areas in the Zoysia. This disease is most prominent in the spring at green up and in the fall before the turf goes dormant. Some of the contributing factors are compact soil, excessive thatch buildup and unseasonably warm temperature during the winter months. Lawns that have a history of this disease should be treated every spring and fall for best results. Please contact Executive Turf Care for more information or to schedule a fungicide treatment.
Spring dead spot disease is specific to Bermuda grass that is weak or under stress from physical, agronomic or climatic factors. Three species of Ophioshaerella (narmari, herpotricha and korrae) cause spring dead spot. The disease will establish itself inside the plant's root system which will cause the plant's vascular tissue to clog and therefore will prevent normal flow of water and nutrients. Spring dead spot (SDS) is one of the worst diseases we can face while growing bermuda grass in the transition zone. Injury symptoms appear during turf green-up in the April-May period even though spring dead spot fungus may be colonized in the plant when soil temperatures drop in late summer, fall and sometimes winter.
The first step toward spring dead spot management is to evaluate the health of the soil. Core aeration is needed to relieve soil compaction and will improve overall quality of turf. Preventative fungicide applications on an annual basis for several years are used to manage Spring Dead Spot. SDS control is a multi-year venture. You will not achieve 100% control in the first year but the level of disease will gradually decrease over a period of years. Use a combination of proper cultural practices and preventative fungicide applications to control this disease. Please call our office to get on our fungicide schedule.
Brown Patch in Fescue
As the name implies, brown patch appears as roughly circular patches that are brown, tan, or yellow in color, ranging from six inches to several feet in diameter. The affected leaves typically remain upright, and lesions are evident on the leaves. Their color is tan and their shape is irregular in shape with dark brown borders. Almost every fescue lawn in metro Atlanta will get brown patch during the summer months.
Warms nights combined with long periods of leaf wetness from afternoon or evening rainfall, irrigation, or dew are ideal for disease development. Executive Turf Care has a fungicide program that helps control the pathogens that cause Brown Patch. The program starts in May and runs through August. Please call our office to get on our fungicide schedule.
Tree Injections
Executive Turf Care is now using the Wedgle Direct Inject System. The Wedgle Direct Inject System is the most tree-friendly way to treat trees. One of the few methods that doesn’t require drilling, the Direct Inject System:
With the Wedgle Direct Inject System, Executive Turf Care is able to safely treat trees for insects and diseases. We are also able to green up yellow trees and treat for deficiencies of Iron, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.
Mosquito Control
Enhancing your health and quality of life through the suppression of mosquitoes, is another way that Executive Turf Care can be of service to you. Executive Turf Care’s Mosquito Program allows for season long Mosquito control. Our program consists of six applications starting in April and ending in September. Each application is designed to last for up to thirty days. Call today to sign up for year long Mosquito control.
Plant Growth Regulators
Golf courses have used Plant Growth Regulators, or PGR’s, for years on their putting greens. PGR’s reduce top growth and increase the density of the turf. One application per month during the growing season will cut your mowing in half. It will also greatly reduce the amount of clippings you will have with each mowing.
You can also save time and money on pruning your shrubs. PGR’s applied to shrubs will cut your pruning in half as well. Applying PGR’s will also increase the density of the plant while reducing shoot growth.
For more information or to schedule and application call Executive Turf Care.
Flea and Tick Control
Even the most diligent pet owners can’t eliminate the risk of fleas and ticks. Simply eliminating adult fleas and ticks form a pet may not be sufficient because eggs and larvae may be hiding in your yard. We fight fleas and ticks with a proactive and reactive approach. A contact insecticide along with an insect growth regulator will be used on the lawn, on the ornamental beds, the natural areas and under decking of your home. The contact insecticide kills the adults on contact and the insect growth regulator keeps the eggs from developing into adults. One application lasts for up to 30 days and we recommend a five application program for year long control. Please call Executive Turf Care for more information or to schedule a treatment.
Grub Control
Grubs can damage your turf from the bottom up by eating away at the root system. They can also attract moles to your lawn causing more damage to your turf. You may also notice an increase in the number of birds on your property if you have a grub infestation. Birds love to eat grubs. The best time to treat for grubs is early to mid summer when they are small and near the surface, but they can also be treated once they mature into adult grubs. For more information or to schedule an application, please call Executive Turf Care.
Turf Painting
Executive Turf Care uses a special biodegradable paint that will keep your turf green all season long. Our paint is environmentally safe, no harmful chemicals in our paint! As you might already know, Zoysia and Bermuda turf goes dormant and turns brown every winter due to the cold weather. We are able to paint your turf in a matter of hours. The process is less expensive than the overall cost of winter-seeding. No mowing is needed during the winter and the lawn will be protected from harsh winter temperatures. If you would like a green lawn all winter long, Turf Painting might be for you. If you are selling a home or planning a special event on your property give Executive Turf Care a call and let us wake your lawn up with a natural green color.