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Tree and Shrub Program

Ornamental Tree & Shrub Program

Late Winter Application

Ornamental trees and shrubs receive a surface application of slow release fertilizer designed to start breaking down once soil temperatures start warming. This controlled release product promotes new growth, healthy roots, colorful blooms and aids plants in recovery from winter stress.

Early Spring Application

Specific ornamental trees and shrubs are treated with a Superior Horticultural Oil and insecticide. This application coats the plants and smothers overwintering insects and associated eggs.

Late Spring, Early Summer and Late Summer Applications

Late Spring through early Fall the technician will apply contact and systemic insecticides as well as fungicides to trees and shrubs that are historically targeted this time of the year. Low nitrogen foliar fertilizers are included in these applications. Expert inspections of your plants are performed before treatments to minimize the amount of pesticides used. During the growing season, insect and disease activity is a natural occurrence and our custom treatments are designed to minimize such activity.

Early Winter Application

A second application of Horticultural Oil and insecticide is applied to specific ornamentals. This application is designed to smother insects and their eggs before they enter the winter season.